
Find out your way to Top US College!

We help middle schoolers pave their way to successful high-school applications. Check out our long term planning or individual service.

Our College Application Service Include...

Personalized Academic Planning

Expert advice on selecting strategic courses, managing grades, and choosing after-school activities

Extracurricular Support

Chances to bolster applicant profiles through extracurricular philanthropic, volunteering, government, club, and sports opportunities.

Guidance to Hands-On Experience

Professional advice on how to find internships and secure work experience in business, politics, and research.

Application Advice

Step-by-step guidance that demystifies the entire process, from selecting schools to writing application essays to preparing for college interviews.

College Application Long-term Plan

From start to end...

Individualized Test Prep for the TOEFL & SSAT

We offer personalized tutoring sessions for each student, ensuring individualized attention and support. Additionally, our website features online courses available to students at discounted prices, providing accessible and affordable educational resources.

Talent Development

Advisors will provide students with opportunities to develop well-rounded applicant profiles by nurturing their artistic and athletic talents, thereby enhancing their prospects in various application processes.

Chances for Social Engagement

The advisor and consultant will offer guidance on enhancing active involvement in community service and social activities.

Connections to Local Networks

Our expert consultant will grant you access to resources designed to build local relationships, fostering educational advancement.

Insights and Strategies for Parental Interviews

Your advisor will conduct coaching sessions for parents to help them excel in school interviews, enhancing their preparation for the high school application process.

Routine Meeting with your Advisor

You will have routine meetings about twice a month with your advisor, who, along with a teaching assistant, will guide and supervise your journey through the high school application process.

College Application Standalone Service

It's okay you don't need a comprehensive service.

College Admission Service

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Meet College Application Advisor

Miss Liu



4279 Roswell Rd NE, Atlanta, GA 30342
+88 34 8777777

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